The Medicine of Mind RENEWAL

Focused Faith Heals is a Christ-Centered Word-Based 7-Step Mind Renewal Program Integrating the Foundational Truths of Word-Based Faith and Belief with the New Sciences of Life and Medicine for Personal Recovery, Healing and Transformation.






Meet Dr. Bishop

“Focus on your past memories and you sabotage God’s vision for your future. Focus on your promised future, and do not waver in doubt, oppose the truth in unbelief, or be in a state of un-forgiveness, shame and guilt and you will release the faith of Jesus to heal your heart, mind, and body.” ~ Dr. Mark Paul Bishop
Dr. Mark Paul Bishop is a family physician. In 1973, he was an honor graduate and an elected member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, at the University of Wisconsin Medical School where he completed a family practice residency in 1976. In 1996, Dr. Bishop was named the Wisconsin Family Physician of the Year, the highest honor given by the Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians. In 2015, Dr. Bishop received a Masters Degree in Biblical Studies from Charis Bible College in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He has been a family doctor for the past 40 years. Dr. Bishop, has integrated the foundational truths of Word based faith and belief with the sciences of life and medicine using a 7-step method of learning integrating the foundational Truths of Word-based faith and belief with the sciences of life and medicine for personal recovery, healing and transformation.

Focused Faith Heals

"Focused Faith is hearing, seeing, saying, doing (writing), receiving and teaching the goodness of God. When our body and soul come into agreement with your spirit your healing is released. " Dr. Bishop
7- Steps to Studying

Dr. Bishop teaches that humans have the potential to heal 95% of the illnesses and diseases that afflict them but few realize this full God-given potential, which includes healing. Dr. Bishop reveals how at an early age he struggled with his own learning disability. He explains how he went from making D's and F's in school to making A's and B's by simply building his brain and renewing his mind by how he studied. Dr. Bishop developed this 7-steps to studying and 10 stages to learning that transformed his own mind and heart, in the 1960's. After Dr. Bishop's own transformation, he was on the Deans list throughout 13 years of college and graduated at the top of his class, in medical school. Today (50 years later) neuroscience has discovered the brain does in fact have the ability to change. For the past 400 years it has been assumed that the brain is the only organ in the human body that cannot grow or reproduce in any way, shape or form. It was once believed that the brain was incapable of changing itself in any shape or form. Secondly, it was once believed that all humans are products of our genes. If we are products of our genes then the way we act and react throughout life is predetermined and predestined and there is nothing we can do to change. The body and soul cannot live in peace and health, in the shadow of the reflection of an angry, authoritarian God Who does not allow you to choose your own eternal destiny. The transformation power of this program is first accomplished through seeing an image of the true loving nature and character of God by the knowledge, understanding, and revelation revealed through God’s Word. The Bible is clear in communicating the fact that Jesus Christ came and gave us the full expression of who God is. God’s true nature is to : Love people, Deliver people, Heal people, Transform people, Empower people, Motivate people, and Bless people. This exciting and refreshing program has a proven track record of success in accomplishing its stated goals. We invite you to become a participant. Through Focused Faith, your life will never be the same!

  • Focus Attention

    Use all five of your senses: Hearing, Seeing, Saying, Touching, and Smelling

  • Rewrite and Organize Your Notes
  • Make Pictures Out of your words

    Convert your words to pictures and images. Make associations with other words, relationships and experiences.

  • Talk Out loud To Yourself

    Say out loud what information you are reading, studying, and learning.


    Communicating with God, in the spirit, breaks through the barriers of the soul and body


    Allowing the inflowing of Gods Word, carries the spiritual energy to reset your genes


    Transmitting learned information to others


"...with God all things are possible. " ~ Matthew 19:26

Teaching Videos

With Dr. Mark Paul Bishop

Focused Faith Heals Academy

Sign up below to be notified when the next class is open

Doc's Point of View

A family physician's view of God's creation through a wide angle and telephoto lens
  • The Transformation of a Catapillar into a Monarch Butterfly

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    The Transformation of a Catapillar into a Monarch Butterfly
  • The Life of A Humming Bird

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    dsc_7615  dsc_8093-2  dsc_8100  dsc_7970  dsc_7758

    A true story of God’s love and provision for His creation as seen in the life of a humming bird.

    By Dr. Mark Paul Bishop


    The Life of A Humming Bird
  • The Bald Eagle Collection

    The Patriot Rule of 13

    13 Character Traits symbolized by the Bald Eagle and necessary for the preservation of LIBERTY and FREEDOM.


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    Confient                            Cooperative                       Courageous                    Truthful                               Loyal

    dsc_2579-competitive-jpg   Trustworthy   dsc_1400-inspirational-jpg   dsc_1199-decisive-jpg   dsc_2414

    Competitive                       Trustworthy                    Inspirational                   Decisive                   Compassionate


    dsc_2366-respectful    perseverance-dsc_3425-jpg    Strength

    Respectful                         Perseverance                    Strong


    The Bald Eagle Collection
  • Flowers and Butterflies

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    Flowers and Butterflies
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Mark Paul Bishop, M.D.